Thursday, September 22, 2011

What we did today- Sept 22nd

To Mrs. Williams-
What is a pullout:  A pullout is a stuttering modification tool.  You use a pullout when you stutter on a sound and then you "pull out" of the stuttering and finish the word.  For example, like this "h-h-h-hhhhill."

Our post for today-
Today we worked about stuttering tools.  We practiced easy onsets and cancellations at the sentence level.  We also worked on our powerpoint really hard.  We worked on what helps stuttering for us and what other people can do to help. We learned about the thought of the day- when people tease us about stuttering.  We got teased while playing videos games online because we stuttered.

Posted by: Victor

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What we did this week (Thursday September 15th)

Today we got a question: "If I could trade my stuttering for another problem, I would take..."  Me and my friend Victor choose poor vision as our other problem.  Because stuttering is an obnoxious thing that I have to deal with everyday.

Next we worked on pullouts (a stuttering modification technique) which was ok because I partially knew this from 4th grade and now Ms. Leggette is teaching me more about it and I'm using what she taught me in my speaking.

Then, we worked more on our powerpoint.  We worked hard on the part about what causes stuttering and what is stuttering.  Victor felt happy and excited, and I felt exhilirated.

Posted by: Jonathan, 5th grade

Thursday, September 8, 2011


We started to make a powerpoint about stuttering and famous people who stutter.  We are hoping to share the powerpoint with our teachers, but we aren't sure if we're ready to share it with our classmates.

Posted by: Ms. Leggette, Victor, and Jonathan

Welcome to the Rose Hill stuttering group blog!


We've created a Rose Hill stuttering group blog to post things we're learning about stuttering and what speech therapy for stuttering is all about.